
Pregnancy Treatments

Pregnancy can cause a variety of physical changes that can lead to discomfort and pain, such as back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, and headaches. 

Chiropractic care can help alleviate these symptoms, promote a healthier pregnancy, and even make labor and delivery easier.

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On average, 61% of pregnant women will experience low back pain. A study demonstrated that with chiropractic care, 95% of women that experienced low back pain had a decrease in pain intensity, with no adverse effects.1

Here in Singapore, expectant mothers undergo similar transformations, navigating through the joys and challenges of pregnancy in our vibrant city-state. The human body goes through great physical and emotional changes during these 9 months.

With the increasing weight in the front, posture is altered and stress is placed on our joints and ligaments. Most women will experience at least one of the following; aching back pain, sharp shooting pain down the leg, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigues.

These symptoms are probably accepted in the wide population as “NORMAL to experience during pregnancy”. However, there are measures that can be taken to help alleviate those aches and pains.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Expectant mothers in Singapore often face these common pregnancy symptoms, but with the support of chiropractic care, they can find relief and support to enjoy their pregnancy journey to the fullest.

Here are some of the most common symptoms and how chiropractic care can help alleviate them:

  • Back pain: As the baby grows, it can put pressure on the lower back, causing pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine and reduce tension in the muscles, providing relief from back pain.
  • Pelvic pain: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the pelvic joints to become less stable, leading to pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments can help improve the alignment of the pelvic bones and reduce pain.
  • Posture alignment: During pregnancy, a woman's center of gravity will shift forward, causing changes in posture that can potentially lead to pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine and improve posture, reducing strain on the back and neck muscles. Good posture can also improve breathing and circulation, which can benefit both the mother and baby.
  • Sciatica: The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back down to the legs and feet. During pregnancy, the baby's weight can put pressure on this nerve, causing pain and numbness in the legs and feet. Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce pain and discomfort.
  • Headaches: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause headaches. Chiropractic adjustments can help improve blood flow to the head and neck, reducing the frequency and severity of headaches.

These spinal issues can result in:

  • Pain and discomfort in the back, groin, and legs 
  • Baby not being able to go into the most optimal position for birth - breech baby 
  • Long and difficult labour - Neck pain - Headaches - Numbness and tingling in arms

Get a helping hand on your pregnancy journey

One Spine Safe & Effective Pregnancy Chiropractic Services

At One Spine Chiropractic, we understand the unique needs of pregnant women in Singapore. Our dedicated team offers safe and effective chiropractic care tailored specifically to support mothers-to-be throughout their pregnancy.

Research studies such as a randomised controlled trial comparing a multimodal intervention and standard obstetrics care for low back and pelvic pain in pregnancy and a retrospective case series on chiropractic spinal manipulation for low back pain of pregnancy support the positive outcomes of chiropractic care during pregnancy.

We offer customised chiropractic care for pregnant women. Our services include:

  • Posture Screening to measure the angles and linear distances of posture displacements from the head all the way down to the ankles.
  • Comprehensive physical evaluation to assess your condition.
  • Gentle chiropractic adjustments to realign your spine and relieve pressure on your nerves.
  • Soft tissue therapy to reduce muscle tension and soreness.
  • Exercise and stretching recommendations to improve mobility and flexibility.

What to Expect During Your Pregnancy Chiropractic Appointment

During your first appointment, our chiropractors at One Spine Chiropractic provide compassionate care for pregnant women in Singapore, ensuring each appointment is tailored to address their individual needs and concerns.

We will ask about your medical history, any symptoms you may be experiencing, and your lifestyle habits.

After the evaluation, your chiropractor will develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and concerns.

This may include gentle chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, exercise and stretching recommendations.

Throughout your treatment, our Singapore chiropractors will monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed.

1. Anthony J. Lisi. J Midwifery Womens Health 2006(Jan); 51(1): e7-10.

Begin Your Journey: First Consultation at One Spine Chiropractic Singapore

Posture Screening

Posture Screening

We measure the angles and linear distances of posture displacements from the head all the way down to the ankles for our chiropractors to identify your overall posture alignment. 

Chiropractor Consultation

1-on-1 Doctor Consultation

1 on 1 consultation with our Chiropractors to perform a comprehensive review of your health history as well as understand your day-to-day lifestyle activities. 

Physical Examination

Physical Examination

Our Chiropractors will perform physical examinations which usually include different assessments such as comparison of muscle strengths, testing range of motion, testing reflexes, carrying out palpation, and conducting orthopedic and neurological tests based on the complaint.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment

Our Chiropractors will use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion and improve your body's physical function.

Book An Appointment Now

Get a helping hand on your pregnancy journey today!

Contact One Spine Chiropractic in Singapore to schedule a consultation.


Commonly Asked Questions About Pregnancy

  • Why is it important to have a well-functioning pelvis during pregnancy?

    The uterus is attached to the pelvis by ligaments. These ligaments function to support the uterus together with pelvic floor muscles. A misalignment of the pelvis or tailbone can unevenly pull on these uterine ligaments, resulting in pain in expectant mothers. This misalignment of the pelvis can also cause tension on the uterus and tightening of specific pelvic muscles, preventing the baby from assuming the most optimal position for birth. This tension and torsion of muscles can further cause discomfort for expectant mums.

  • How can chiropractic adjustments affect baby positioning?

    By restoring balance and function in mum’s pelvis, we reduce intrauterine constraint, encouraging the developing baby to assume the best possible position for birth - - head-down, facing in towards you. This is significant because it affects the mum’s ability and trust in her body to have a natural, non-invasive birth.

  • How can chiropractic increase my potential for a smooth labour and birth?

    A difficult labour can be caused by decreased uterine function, pelvic imbalance, and less optimal positioning of the baby in the womb. These three factors can be improved by correcting pelvic misalignment through chiropractic adjustments. When mums have good spinal alignment, uterine function improves, the pelvis is more balanced, and the baby has more room to move into an optimal position. All of these can contribute to an easier labour, and allow you a higher chance of a birth with minimal medical interventions.

  • What are the benefits of regular chiropractic treatments during pregnancy?

    • Relieve pain and discomfort in areas like the neck, back, and groin.
    • Supports your body’s natural abilities to function by restoring spinal health and reducing adverse interference in the nervous system.
    • Help you maintain a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy
    • Allow for optimal baby positioning; encourage breech babies to turn head down, avoiding the worries and interventions associated with a breech presentation.
    • Support you in having an easy and quick labour
    • Give you the best possible chance of having a natural, non-invasive birth
  • Is Chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

    Yes, it is safe for women to receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. Some even benefit from this gentle practice during labour. Chiropractic is a way of promoting maternal and child health without the use of drugs and surgery. Chiropractors are trained to work with pregnant women with gentle, effective techniques to get great results.

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