Chiropractic FAQs

Chiropractic FAQs Singapore

Discover the answers to your chiropractic questions with One Spine Chiropractic FAQs in Singapore.

Uncover insights into alleviating back pain and neck discomfort, and explore how our hands-on healthcare approach can help you regain control over your well-being.

Get straightforward information to guide you on your journey to a pain-free and healthier life. If you're seeking a chiropractor in Singapore, One Spine Chiropractic is here to provide expert care and support.

Understanding Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a comprehensive approach to neuromusculoskeletal health that focuses on our nerves, bones, muscles, and especially our spine. Through hands-on spinal manipulation or  "chiropractic adjustment", chiropractors ensure optimal spinal health, making it a truly non-invasive treatment option.

Why is our spine health so important? Well, our spine not only supports our body but also protects our nervous system. When we have poor spinal health, symptoms like a slipped disc may occur which can far reaching effects throughout the body.

While commonly sought for back pain, neck pain, pregnancy, headaches, and sports injuries, chiropractic care extends far beyond merely "cracking bones." By improving Spinal health, spinal adjustments contribute to overall well-being.

How do you pronounce "chiropractor" and "chiropractic"?

While there are variations in the pronunciation of chiropractor and chiropractic globally, here in Singapore, it's common to hear the pronunciation as "kai-roh-prak-ter" for "chiropractor" and "kai-roh-prak-tik" for "chiropractic." This pronunciation reflects the local accent and speech patterns commonly heard in Singapore. Regardless of the specific pronunciation, ensuring clarity and understanding in communication is essential, especially when discussing healthcare matters.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Chiropractic adjustments aim to restore healthy movement in your spine, reducing inflammation, restoring range of movement and enhancing nerve function. Using our trained hands or special tools, we precisely push on restricted or unhealthy spinal segments.

You might hear a pop sound during an adjustment – This is called a cavitation and occurs when there is a sudden increase in the joint capsule volume. In other words we are restoring your healthy joint space so your joints can move optimally and without discomfort.

We also offer spinal decompression therapy, a technique that safely and effectively treats spinal discs and especially 'slipped disc' by relieving pressure on the injured spinal segment, promoting healing of the disc and alleviating discomfort. We ensure these adjustments, including spinal decompression therapy, are done safely for you to get back to your best health.

Safety and Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers a safe and effective approach to addressing various musculoskeletal issues, presenting minimal risks in comparison to surgical interventions or pharmaceutical treatments. It is a modality suitable for individuals of all ages, including pregnant women, infants, children, and the elderly.

Is chiropractic care safe?

Chiropractic care is renowned for its non-invasive nature, eschewing surgical procedures or reliance on medications. Our primary objective is to facilitate the body's innate healing processes through natural means. Rigorous training ensures that our adjustments are not only safe but also efficacious.

Many individuals seek our assistance for diverse forms of discomfort, such as back pain, neck pain, or headaches. Others, like pregnant women, may experience specific discomforts related to their condition. We approach each case with meticulous care, prioritising patient well-being while alleviating symptoms.

Is chiropractic care safe for pregnant women, babies, children, and the elderly?

So, now that we know chiropractic care is generally safe, let's look at how it helps different groups like pregnant women, babies, children, and the elderly.

  • Pregnant Women: Our interventions can mitigate back pain and facilitate smoother deliveries.
  • Babies: Delicate adjustments address concerns like colic or sleep disturbances.
  • Children: We employ gentle techniques to manage growth-related discomforts or post-fall issues.
  • Older Individuals: Tailored approaches enhance joint mobility and reduce pain associated with aging.

Are chiropractic adjustments painful?

Contrary to common apprehensions, chiropractic adjustments typically involve minimal discomfort. Many individuals report immediate relief following treatment.

Similar to the sensation of post-exercise soreness, some may experience mild achiness afterward, signaling the body's adjustment to its correct alignment.

While apprehension may precede initial sessions, chiropractors excel in ensuring each experience is both comfortable and beneficial. Their expertise lies in gently maneuvering the spine to alleviate any discomfort promptly.

Should discomfort arise during an adjustment, it is imperative to communicate with your chiropractor, enabling them to adapt their technique accordingly.

Comparing Chiropractic Care to Other Therapies

Chiropractic care vs Physiotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Massage Therapy and Medication. Find out which therapy suits your wellness needs best by reading more!

Chiropractic care vs Physiotherapy

Chiropractic Care Physiotherapy
Addresses subluxations, improves nerve function. Restores movement, function post-injury.
Uses spinal adjustments, joint manipulation. Utilises exercise, massage, electrotherapy.
Focuses on spinal alignment for musculoskeletal function. Offers diverse treatments, not limited to spine issues.
Centers around spine-nervous system for holistic health. Focuses on rehabilitation, improving movement quality.

Deciding between chiropractic care and physiotherapy depends greatly on your personal health goals and condition specifics. We believe in informed choices that lead you towards optimal health and wellbeing.

Chiropractic care vs Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

When comparing chiropractic care and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we're looking at two distinct modalities with unique approaches to wellness.

Chiropractic Care Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Focuses on spine and neuromusculoskeletal issues. Holistic approach with acupuncture, herbs, and tui na.
Uses manual techniques for misalignments. Balances 'Qi,' practiced for millennia.
Emphasises non-pharmaceutical interventions. Includes herbal medicine in treatment.
Concentrates on spinal alignment to enhance musculoskeletal function Offers a variety of holistic methods to encourage healing and overall wellness

We respect both practices for their contributions to health and wellness, and we understand that each has its place in managing various health concerns. Moving on, let's explore the chiropractic process, beginning with what you can expect when visiting a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care vs Massage Therapy

Chiropractic Care Massage Therapy
Corrects spinal alignment, alleviates pain. Manipulates soft tissues, promotes relaxation.
Enhances healing through skeletal adjustments. Improves circulation, reduces stress.
Restores joint function with chiropractic adjustments. Uses strokes to relax and relieve tension.
Complementary for diverse musculoskeletal aspects. Often combined for enhanced treatment.
Sessions range from SGD 80 to SGD 150 or more. Cost varies based on duration and type.

Both chiropractic care and massage therapy hold their unique places in the field of wellness, catering to those seeking relief from pain, tension, and stress while supporting the body's overall health.

The Complete Chiropractic Process

Embarking on a journey with a chiropractor entails several key steps, including an initial consultation, a comprehensive physical examination, and potentially the utilisation of X-rays to evaluate your condition thoroughly.

The process of seeing a chiropractor

Initiating your chiropractic journey involves an initial consultation followed by a meticulous spinal assessment. Here's an overview of what to anticipate during your chiropractic experience in Singapore:

  1. An initial consultation to delve into your medical history and address your concerns.
  2. A comprehensive spinal examination focusing on joint mobility and muscle condition.
  3. X-rays may be recommended to offer a detailed perspective on the spine's structure.
  4. Discussion of findings and formulation of a personalised treatment plan by the chiropractor.
  5. Regular follow-ups and re-evaluations are scheduled to monitor progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

The role of X-rays in chiropractic care

X-rays serve as invaluable assets in chiropractic care, furnishing intricate snapshots of the spine's architecture and alignment. In Singapore, they commonly feature in the initial evaluation process, aiding chiropractors in monitoring advancements and refining care strategies.

These visual representations unveil misalignments or structural irregularities, guiding tailored interventions to cater to individual requirements and aspirations for spinal well-being.

First Consultation Journey at One Spine Chiropractic Singapore

Posture Screening

Posture Screening

We measure the angles and linear distances of posture displacements from the head all the way down to the ankles for our chiropractors in Clementi to identify your overall posture alignment. 

Chiropractor Consultation

1-on-1 Doctor Consultation

1 on 1 consultation with our Clementi Chiropractor to perform a comprehensive review of your health history as well as understand your day-to-day lifestyle activities. 

Physical Examination

Physical Examination

Our Clementi Chiropractor will perform physical examinations which usually include different assessments such as comparison of muscle strengths, testing range of motion, testing reflexes, carrying out palpation, and conducting orthopedic and neurological tests based on the complaint.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment

Our Clementi Chiropractor will use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion and improve your body's physical function.

Choosing a Chiropractor in Singapore

When choosing a chiropractor in Singapore, it's important to look for someone who is experienced and licensed. Ask about their approach to treatment, as well as any additional certifications or specialisations they may have.

Don't forget to inquire about the cost of sessions and whether your health insurance covers chiropractic care.

Tips on choosing a chiropractor

Here are some tips to help you choose a chiropractor in Singapore:

  1. Check reviews and recommendations for quality services.
  2. Schedule a consultation to assess communication and professionalism.
  3. Inquire about specializations and experience relevant to your needs.
  4. Discuss techniques to ensure alignment with your preferences.
  5. Clarify session costs and any additional fees for transparent planning.

Questions to ask during a consultation

  1. What's the estimated cost for my specific chiropractic care?
  2. Will my insurance cover the sessions and treatments?
  3. What are your credentials, qualifications, and specialised techniques?
  4. How does chiropractic care benefit overall health beyond addressing pain?
  5. Can it provide long-term relief for my musculoskeletal conditions?

How much does a chiropractor cost in Singapore?

In Singapore, chiropractic care varies in cost, typically ranging from SGD 80 to SGD 200 or more per session, depending on factors like clinic location and practitioner experience.

At One Spine Chiropractic, a renowned clinic in Singapore, sessions are competitively priced from SGD 80 to SGD 120. This range reflects the clinic's dedication to providing quality care at affordable rates.

When seeking chiropractic services in Singapore, it's essential to consider factors beyond cost, such as the expertise of the chiropractor and overall service quality, to ensure optimal care for your needs.

Are chiropractors doctors Singapore?

Chiropractors at One Spine Chiropractic in Singapore are highly qualified healthcare professionals who specialise in natural and holistic approaches to wellness. While they hold a doctorate, they are not medical doctors in the traditional sense.

To delve deeper into this topic, we invite you to read our blog post here, where we explore the qualifications, education, scope of practice, and role of chiropractors in the healthcare community. Discover the truth about chiropractic professionals, including common myths and safety considerations, to make informed decisions about your healthcare journey.

At One Spine Chiropractic, our chiropractors undergo rigorous education and training, graduating with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from recognised institutions globally. They offer evidence-based treatments tailored to your needs, prioritising patient safety and well-being.

When considering chiropractic care, consult with our reputable chiropractors to explore how our holistic approach can support your health goals. Your well-being is our priority, and we're here to provide compassionate care every step of the way.

Book Your First Consultation

Ready to prioritise your well-being and experience the benefits of chiropractic care in Singapore?

Book an appointment with our experienced chiropractors today.

Take the first step towards a pain-free, healthier you. Your journey to optimal health begins here!

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